Kali Purusha – The Demon of Kali Yuga


In Hinduism, Kali is the being who reigns during the age of the Kali Yuga and acts as the nemesis of Kalki, the tenth and final avatar of the Hindu preserver deity, Vishnu.

Kali is a major antagonist of the religion called Hinduism and a demon from Hindu mythology who is described as a being of great power and (in some sources) the origin of evil itself. He is the archenemy of Kalki, the tenth and final avatar of Vishnu.

Kali Rakshasa vs. Kalki Avatar. Who will win?

Kali Rakshasa had incarnated as greedy, arrogant, wicked, and cruel Duryodhana, the eldest of the 100 Kauravas in the Mahabharata during the Dvapara Yuga. At that time, by declining the peace talks offered by Lord Krishna, he had become responsible for the war of Kurukshetra in the Mahabharata.

Thereafter, when Lord Krishna had offered him and Arjuna a choice to choose either from Himself or His army for the war of Kurukshetra, Arjuna chose Lord Krishna, whereas Duryodhana went for Lord Krishna’s army.

Duryodhana thought Arjuna to be a fool for choosing Lord Krishna over the entire Narayani Sena and thought now his chances of winning the war were bright. But as everyone knows, as an end result of the war, the Pandavas won over the Kauravas, and Lord Krishna’s able guidance to Arjuna was largely responsible for Pandavas’ victory.

It is said that history repeats itself. So is the case with Duryodhana and Lord Krishna. Duryodhana has been foretold to reincarnate as Kali Purusha in the present Kali Yuga and Lord Krishna has been foretold to reincarnate as Kalki Avatar in the present times.

It has also been said that Kali Purusha is busy strengthening his side in the present whereas Kalki Avatar has unfortunately become a victim of Kali Purusha’s needless conspiracy, chaos, destruction, and disorder in the present.

It has also been foretold that there will be a war between Kali Purusha and Kalki Avatar in the future. Again, Kali Purusha is of thinking that he will be victorious in the end. But it has also been foretold that as an end result of this war, Kali Purusha will be destroyed and Kalki Avatar will be victorious in the end.

Most importantly, it has been foretold that the present Kali Yuga (The Age of Darkness) prevailing in the world will come to an end and the Satya Yuga (The Golden Age) will come into being in the future in the world. And, it will be the life of Kalki Avatar, which will be largely responsible for this great positive change in the world.

In modern times, the demon Kali is known as Kali Purusha who promotes only chaos and destruction.

Kali is the ruler of the most corrupt and violent of the Hindu cycles, in which mankind abandons the gods, and morality is replaced with open hostility and depravity. This cycle is known as the Kali Yuga, named after its infernal nature and the demon which oversees such evil.

Kali symbolizes everything that is unholy, the destruction of balance, peace, and life itself.

When life becomes intolerable for good people and mankind is entirely under Kali’s chaotic power, it is prophesied that Kalki shall be born and take arms against Kali and his many minions, becoming the “divine chastiser” who shall punish the wicked men who thrive in the Kali Yuga at the cost of others.

Kalki Avatar shall also do battle with Kali Rakshasa personally and slay the monster to free the universe from his cruel rule and re-establish order.

Kalki will be the one who will allow the coming of the Satya Yuga, a golden age where mankind is said to learn from the gods and prosper for many centuries before inevitably becoming slowly corrupt again, as is the nature of the infinite cycle that makes up Hindu cosmology.

Kali is stated to be the embodiment or personification of sin or paapa. He destroys the observance of eternal religious principles.

According to the Kalki Purana, Kali’s abdomen is like that of a crow, his face is frightening to behold, and his tongue is red and appears to be full of greed. His appearance is very fearful and a bad smell emanates from his body.

How Kali Rakshasa and his descendants will behave towards achieving the goal of destroying Dharma is also found in the Kalki Purana.

According to the Kalki Purana, all the relatives of Kali Rakshasa were the destroyers of sacrifice, study of the Vedas, and charity, because they transgressed all the Vedic principles of religion. They were reservoirs of mental distress, disease, old age, destruction of religious principles, sorrow, lamentation, and fear.

According to the Kalki Purana, the descendants of Kali are found wandering everywhere throughout the kingdom of Kali, destroying the people of the world.

According to the Kalki Purana, the descendants of Kali are misguided by the influence of time, very restless by nature, full of lusty desires, extremely sinful, very proud, and violent even to their own father and mother. Those who are known as twice-born among them are devoid of all good behavior, without any observance of proper etiquette, and always engaged in the service of sudras.

The Kalki Purana says that asura Kali (demon) chose gambling, liquor, prostitution, slaughter, and gold as his permanent abodes.

The Bhagavata Purana describes Kali Purusha as a brownish-skinned asura (demon) with a dog-like face, protruding fangs, pointed ears and long green bushy hair. It states that the very day and moment avatar Krishna left this earth, Kali, “who promotes all kinds of irreligious activities”, came into this world.

The Kalki Purana describes Kali Purusha as a huge being, the color of soot, with a large tongue, and a terrible stench. It is said that Kali Purusha will reside in places like gambling centres, butchery shops, drugs and wine selling places, and in the minds of non-believers of god.

Kali Purusha is considered as a wicked demon who has been deputed by Lord Brahma to cause harm to the sinful people, and to even change the minds of the noble people, in order to make them to commit crimes.

Kali Purusha, the cause of all irreligion, will pollute the minds of people. He, along with his entire clan, will drive the irreligious mind set among the people of the Kali Yuga.

It is said that Kali Purusha will make the people to get angry over others, and to induce them to attack others. He would induce the bad habits in the minds of the people like fear, lust, and jealousy, and due to that, people would do lot of bad deeds in their life.

In Kali Yuga, people become more and more sinful and Kali Purush’s task is to make those sinful people commit crimes. Kali Purush dwells inside bad people who are sunk into a world of materialistic happiness.

It is said that Kali Purusha dwells in the hearts of the bad people, and forces them to commit mistakes like doing theft, murdering others, raping women, disrespecting others, and acquiring the property of innocent people etc.

According to Hindu religion, Kali Purusha is a wicked demon and personification of adharma who gives a lot of sufferings to the people. In order to safeguard ourselves from the clutches of the Kali Purusha, daily at least once, we can pray to him, not to give troubles in our life, and not to interfere in our life.

According to the Puranas, until the time Kali Yuga comes to an end, we have to suffer from the clutches of Kali Purusha. It is said that after the end of Kaliyuga, Kali Purusha will be destroyed by Kalki Bhagawan, the divine avatar of Lord Vishnu.

As per the Kalki Purana, Kali Purusha is described as a powerful demon and he is the main source of all the evil things happening in our life. As per Vedavyasa, by regularly reading the ancient Puranas and Bhagavatham, we can escape from the ill effects of Kali Purusha.

It is said that during this Kali Yuga, most of the people’s mind will get diverted and they will try to do unwanted things due to the evil influence of Kali Purusha. By adopting the bhakti path, and doing charity works, we can reduce the ill effects caused by Kali. In this way, Kali Purusha will find it difficult to enter into our body and to give troubles to us.

Kali/Satan is the leader of demons/personified beings that represents sins, animal instincts, and other negative aspects that dwell in the hellish planes. According to the Puranas, Krodha (Anger) + Himsa (Violence) = Kali. Kali Purusha will be the harshest being that mankind will have ever seen. Even the worst humans will look like a saint in front of Kali.

Every Yuga Lord Vishnu decides to incarnate in some mystical form, there is some being who cannot be defeated by any being on Earth. The 10th avatar of Lord Vishnu, Kalki is yet to be born and his nemesis of this Kali Yuga is the ‘Kali Purusha’. ‘Kali’, this word in Sanskrit symbolizes suffering, hurt, or confusion and these are the same thing Kali Purush will be initiating in Kali Yuga.

The demon Kali is considered an embodiment of evil and represents the darker aspects of human nature that flourish during the Kali Yuga. He personifies chaos, destruction, and spiritual ignorance. He represents the negation of all that is righteous and virtuous.

It is said that Kali is the personification of evil. He will be more evil than Ravana, Kansa, Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu combined.

In the four Yugas, the essence of Satya degrades as time flows slowly comes to Tetra, Dwapara, and finally Kali, where humans perceive evilness on a daily basis. Kali Purusha is the representation of that supreme evilness in Kali Yuga.

According to the Puranas, Kali is the name of a demon. As per Kalki Purana, Lord Vishnu incarnates as Kalki (the Tenth Avatar) to save the world from Kali. Kali’s dominance is very high in Kali Yuga. So, it is believed to be a bad one.

The age of Kali literally means the age of quarrel and is the most condemned age due to its quarrelsome features. Kali-yuga is so saturated with vicious habits that there is a great fight at the slightest misunderstanding. As the Age of Kali progresses, all good qualities of men diminish and all impure qualities increase. This age aims at killing the higher principles of life.

The Kalki Purana states that Kali is the product of a long line of incestuous monsters born from Brahma’s back. Kali and his family were created by Brahma to hurry the dissolution of the cosmos after the pralaya period was over. It is God Vishnu who then reincarnates as Kalki in the name of the Devas and all of mankind to rid the cosmos of Kali’s dark influence. However strong demon Kali might be but he will be slayed down by Lord Kalki and all Gods will help him to win this war. Thus, in the end, it will be God Kalki who will win over demon Kali and good which will win over bad.


Almighty God has given us life to live in harmony with everyone. But unfortunately, at present, that is not quite the case in our world.

Many times, people face difficult situations in their lives due to which they are unable to live their lives with peace, happiness, and harmony with others.

There has been an occurrence of such a difficult situation in the life of Kalki Avatar as well. And, that has primarily been due to the horrible acts of sins carried out by Kali Purusha with Him.

Kali Purusha has been said to be A DEMON who is an incarnation of KALI RAKSHASA. Earlier, he had taken an avatar in the form of greedy, arrogant, wicked, and cruel Duryodhana during the times of the Mahabharata. He is said to be an elusive demon, more dangerous than Ravana and Kansa.

In the present Kali Yuga, being an archenemy of Kalki Avatar, he needlessly conspired against, harassed, and committed innumerable acts of sins against Kalki Avatar every day since past more than 15 years.

He needlessly turned all the people connected with Kalki Avatar, whether living or working nearby Kalki Avatar, and people at all the public places where Kalki Avatar travelled and visited, go against Kalki Avatar BY SPREADING WRONG WORD OF MOUTH about Kalki Avatar among them.

Then, he committed an enormous sin of needlessly and secretly doing video monitoring of the life of Kalki Avatar and gave people access to live videos of the life of Kalki Avatar 24×7 using modern technology every day since past more than 15 years.

After that, he needlessly employed sinners like CRUEL RAVANA, VILLAINS OF THE WORLD, AND NUMEROUS OTHER WICKED AND SINFUL PEOPLE in order to continuously harass Kalki Avatar by seeing His live videos and thereby playing innumerable mind games with Him every day since past more than 15 years.

Thereafter, he needlessly made sinners like CRUEL RAVANA, VILLAINS OF THE WORLD, AND NUMEROUS OTHER WICKED AND SINFUL PEOPLE TO DO INNUMERABLE HORRIBLE ACTS OF CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION with Kalki Avatar every day since past more than 15 years.

Moreover, even after knowing all this, he still cannot stop doing and stopping people do such horrible acts of sins with Kalki Avatar, who is “THE TENTH AND FINAL MAIN INCARNATION OF LORD VISHNU”, who has been said to be “A MESSIAH FOR THIS WORLD”, and who has “THE BEST PLANS FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE ENTIRE WORLD”.

Due to the enormous amount of offenses and sins that Kali Purusha has needlessly committed and made people needlessly commit with Kalki Avatar every day since past more than 15 years, and is still needlessly continuing to do so, I think now he should only be said to be “THE WORST VILLAIN OF THE WORLD UNTIL NOW”.

By needlessly doing such numerous offenses with Kalki Avatar since past more than 15 years, he has not allowed Kalki Avatar to live with peace, get along with his relatives and friends, and do any significant progress in work since past more than 15 years.

By taking all the factors into consideration, ASTROLOGY has given its final verdict in this matter in the form of the ‘JUDGMENT’ Tarot Card. According to Astrology, Kali Purusha is “A POISONOUS SNAKE” who deserves A PUNISHMENT and Kalki Avatar is “AN INCARNATION OF LORD VISHNU” who deserves A REWARD.

According to MYTHOLOGY, as per the HOLY HINDU SCRIPTURES LIKE VISHNU PURANA, KALKI PURANA, AND BHAGAVAD GITA, Kali Purusha is “THE BIGGEST DEMON ON EARTH UNTIL NOW” and Kalki Avatar is “THE BEST INCARNATION OF LORD VISHNU UNTIL NOW”. Kalki Avatar is “GOD KALKI” who has taken an avatar to save the world from Kali Purusha.

According to PSYCHOLOGY, Kali Purusha is the personification of evil, whereas Kalki Avatar is like a Hermit. Kali Purusha is responsible for the present KALI YUGA (THE AGE OF DARKNESS), and it is Kalki Avatar, who will turn it into SATYA YUGA (THE GOLDEN AGE) in the future in the world.

By writing the above information, I do not intend to hurt the thoughts, feelings, or sentiments of anyone. I only intend TO CREATE AWARENESS about the type of person Kali Purusha is and the type of activities which HE HAS NEEDLESSLY CARRIED OUT ON KALKI AVATAR SINCE PAST MORE THAN 15 YEARS AND IS STILL NEEDLESSLY CONTINUING IN THE SAME WAY.

Now, after knowing the story of this matter, you must be able to understand, why Kali Purusha is called “THE BIGGEST AND MOST DANGEROUS DEMON ON EARTH UNTIL NOW” and Kalki Avatar is called “GOD OF THE 21st CENTURY”.
